
How To Play Monopoly: Complete Guide

How To Play Monopoly

Hello friends today we will talk about How To Play Monopoly. A worn-out copy of Monopoly is likely to be pulled out by several families over the Christmas holidays. A copy of this classic board game may be found in every gaming cabinet. The rules of Monopoly must thus be well known by now.

Because of how widely played the classic board game has become over the years, there are countless house rules and variations that players who have grown up with have come to believe are the correct way to play. Fortunately, we’re here to clear things up by explaining how to play Monopoly correctly — or at least how it was intended to be played — and responding to frequently asked questions about its guidelines.

We will show you how to play Monopoly according to its official rules, so drop the Free Parking rule, keep your earn Out of Jail Free cards handy, and save yourself from debating for an hour whether you earn double money for landing on Go.

Monopoly: Number of players, game length and overview

How To Play Monopoly

Depending on your edition, the number of players in Monopoly can range from two to eight. Depending on how many people there are and how you roll, the game can take anything from 20 minutes to three hours or longer to complete.

In the game Monopoly, players compete to outspend their competitors by buying real estate and constructing hotels and residences to command the most rent when their rivals arrive on the squares.

How to setup Monopoly

The main board must be unpacked and put up on the table before playing Monopoly. Cards from the Chance and Community Chest decks should be shuffled before being placed on the corresponding spots in the centre of the board.

A player piece should be selected by each participant. (If you’re unsure about the order to choose in, roll the dice; the higher numbers will determine the order.) Give each player $1,500 as described below and place all of the player pieces on the Go square. No matter what currency your version use, the sum is always the same.

Pick one player to serve as the banker. The money, property cards, homes, and hotels that belong to the bank are all managed by this person. The bank will always have money; if you run out of bills, keep track on a notebook or something similar.

Each player rolls a dice to determine their place in the lineup. Play proceeds clockwise around the table starting with the person who rolls the highest. (The person on your left then moves forward.)

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How much money do you start with in Monopoly?

How To Play Monopoly

Monopoly begins with $1,500 for each player. According to the game’s regulations, participants must begin with the following particular banknotes:

  • 5x $1 note
  • 1x $5 note
  • 2x $10 note
  • 1x $20 note
  • 1x $50 note
  • 4x $100 note
  • 2x $500 note

Give each player two $500 bills, two $100 notes, two $50 notes, six $20 notes, five each of $10, $5, and $1 notes, and just two each of two $50 notes if you’re using a US version of Monopoly that was released before September 2008.

Monopoly rules

How To Play Monopoly

Each player takes a turn and rolls two dice, then moves that many spaces clockwise around the board.

What happens when you roll doubles in Monopoly?

After finishing your first turn in Monopoly, you can roll again if you receive two doubles. This basically gives you two turns in a row, allowing you to buy more properties or draw more cards by landing on two different spots. You earn another roll and a third turn if your second roll results in doubles.

If you roll doubles three times in a row, you are “caught speeding” and must move your piece right away to the Jail area and stop your turn rather than waiting for the third roll. On your subsequent turn, you must either pay the $50 fine, roll doubles, or utilise a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Once a player has moved all the way around, they proceed to the action that corresponds to the space they ended up on. Depending on the situation, this could be picking a card from the Chance or Community Chest, paying rent to the owner of a property they’ve already bought, going to jail, or paying luxury or super taxes.

You instantly collect $200 as instructed by the Go spot after passing Go on your turn. You get $200 if you land straight on Go. You win $200 if you land on Go as instructed by an Advance to Go Community Chest or Chance card. (This implies that if you pass Go and then land on a Community Chest/Chance spot on the same round that instructs you to Advance to Go, you will get a total of $400: $200 for passing Go the first time and an additional $200 for landing on it.)

What happens if you land on Go in Monopoly?

How To Play Monopoly

Landing on Go in the Monopoly game is another well-known house rule, similar to the Free Parking rule. According to the rules of Monopoly, passing Go does not result in any more money being awarded to you; instead, you continue to get $200.

It’s a common house rule that if a player lands on Go, they can double their money ($400 in most versions), although this prolongs the game of Monopoly and is not advised.

If you land on an available property—one that is not already owned by a player—you have the option of purchasing it for the amount shown on the card. If you opt not to purchase the asset, it is put up for auction amongst all of the participants. A player has the option to bid on a property if they decide against purchasing it for the listed price. There is no fixed starting offer; the opening bid is determined by the first bidder. The highest bidder ultimately wins the card as long as bidding is open.

When you buy a house, you give the bank the money for the purchase and take the title deed card that goes along with it. From that point forward, if another player lands on that property, they have to pay you rent in an amount equal to the rent value of the property. This can be raised by including residences and lodging on a site. Rent is not collected until after a property is unmortgaged (by turning the title deed card over).

You miss your chance and are unable to collect the rent if a player falls on property you control and you do not make a request for payment before the following player rolls their dice. Therefore, be sure to pay attention.

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How do you build Houses and Hotels in Monopoly?

According to the Monopoly game’s official regulations, you must possess every property of a particular hue before you can start building houses and hotels.

Any unimproved properties—those without homes or hotels—that you possess can charge double rent to players who land there if you own all the properties in that colour group. Even if one or more of the properties are mortgaged, this still holds true (unless it is the land that has been landed on, in which case it will not be able to collect rent at all).

There are a maximum of four dwellings per lot. Before any space in a group of properties may have a second home built on it, every space must have two homes before a third is constructed, and so on. Similar to this, homes can be returned to the bank for 50% of their original price, maintaining a maximum of one home per property. (For instance, no less than two homes on a plot if another has two, and so forth.) You may find out how much each house raises the rent on the title deed card.

The player can construct a hotel by building one on top of each four-house property (returning the other three to the bank) on one area. A property may only have one hotel constructed on it, however each property in a colour group may have one. The best approach to increase a property’s rent is through hotels.

When can you buy Houses in Monopoly?

Even during another player’s turn, houses and hotels can be purchased from the bank at any moment and added to a property’s area on the board. (Utilities and stations are the exception; they aren’t allowed to have homes or hotels.) The player will have to wait for a house to become available if the bank runs out of them before creating one.

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What happens with mortgaged properties in Monopoly?

A player may turn their title deed card over to the “mortgaged” side in order to mortgage a piece of real estate they possess. The bank will then pay them the full amount of the mortgage right away. In Monopoly, a player may opt to mortgage properties at any moment, even if it is not their turn.

Only properties without hotels or homes can be mortgaged; if there are any structures there, you must sell them first (according to the guidelines above) before applying for a mortgage.

When another player lands on a mortgaged property, the owner does not get rent. However, even if one of the properties in the group is mortgaged, you may still charge double rent if you own every property in a colour group and a player lands on another unmortgaged property without buildings (houses or hotels).

The player must pay the mortgage cost + 10% interest on the mortgage value in order to unmortgage a property. The total money required to pay off the mortgage is listed on the back of each card in more recent versions of Monopoly.

Can I buy a mortgaged property in Monopoly?

In Monopoly, you may indeed purchase mortgaged homes. Players have the option to exchange mortgaged homes for a predetermined sum with other players.

The player obtaining the mortgaged property must, however, immediately pay the bank 10% interest on the mortgage value as per a crucial requirement. They will be required to pay the mortgage value plus an additional 10% in interest upon unmortgaging the property in the future if they do not opt to do so by paying the remainder of the existing mortgage amount.

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How do I trade property in Monopoly?

The option to freely swap properties with other players is available to players. Depending on what the two players agree upon, properties can be exchanged for cash, other properties, a mix of the two, or in place of rent.

However, according to the game’s official rules, unimproved properties cannot be traded for houses and hotels. The existing owner must sell any residences or hotels on the area back to the bank (according to the aforementioned guidelines) before selling it in trade to another player.

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What are the Jail rules in Monopoly?

In Monopoly, there are three methods to send a player to jail: rolling three doubles in a row, setting foot on the “Go to Jail” space, or picking a “Go (Directly to Jail”) card from a “Community Chest” or “Chance” space. No matter where you are on the board, if you are put in jail, you cannot pass go or receive $200. Instead of just visiting, you place your player piece on the ‘In Jail’ area of the jail sector.

Players have three options for getting out of jail on their subsequent turn: tossing a Get Out of Jail Free Card, paying a $50 fine, or rolling doubles successfully.

You transfer your piece to the “Just Visiting” area of the board and immediately take your turn as usual by rolling the dice to move if you use a Get Out of Jail Free Card or pay the fine.

If you attempt to roll doubles to escape jail and fail, you forfeit their turn. If you roll doubles three times and fail, you must use a Get Out of Free Card right away or forfeit $50. Then, you must move the sum of your three failed rolls.

You do not receive a second chance to roll to escape from jail; instead, you move the number of dice you rolled and activate the square you land on. However, if you pay the $50 fine to leave jail or use a Get Out of Jail Free card, and then roll doubles, you are able to roll again as if it were a regular turn.

Can you collect rent in Jail?

In Monopoly, you may indeed collect rent while incarcerated. On properties you own, you may still purchase and sell homes, hotels, and other real estate.

In fact, sitting in jail during the game’s latter stages may be a successful tactic to collect rent without running the danger of landing on other players’ pricey homes. Just keep in mind that you may only stay in jail for a maximum of three turns at a time.

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What does Free Parking do in Monopoly?

It is a requirement of Monopoly Free Parking that the area remain empty. If you land on the Free Parking spot, no money is collected, and no money is sent to the middle of the board. Simply land on the available space and wait there until it is your turn again.

However, many players follow the house rule that any money paid in taxes or fees (for instance, from the Luxury/Super Tax and Income Tax spaces, as well as from a few Chance and Community Chest cards) goes to the middle of the board and is collected by the player who lands on the Free Parking space. Since this is not an official rule and actually lengthens the game of Monopoly, it is best to avoid using it.

How to win at Monopoly

The last person standing who has money wins the game of Monopoly. When a player needs to pay money to the bank or another player (via rent, tax, or other costs) but does not have enough money to cover the bill (or equal properties to exchange with the other player, in the case of rent), they are removed by becoming bankrupt.

A player is declared bankrupt if they owe money to another player, in which case that person wins the remaining property cards that belonged to the bankrupted player. As with the standard rules for trading properties, houses and hotels are sold back to the bank for half of their cost; the money is then given to the player who has survived.

The player is required to pay 10% interest on any mortgaged properties as soon as they are taken into their control. They will have to pay the mortgage value plus an additional 10% interest to unmortgage the properties in the future if they decide not to do it now by paying the balance of the mortgage.

If a player defaults on a loan and is declared bankrupt, the bank seizes the player’s remaining assets. The properties are cleared of all homes and lodging facilities. The surviving players then bid for the properties, just as in a standard property auction.


How much money do you start on Monopoly?

Each player choose a token to serve as their representation as they move around the board. Each participant receives $1500 in cash, which is distributed as follows: two $500 bills, one $100 bill, six $20 bills, five $10 bills, five $5 bills, and five $1 bills. Any remaining funds and equipment are given to the Bank.

Is Monopoly illegal in India?

In 1970, the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises Commission was established. The Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Indian Constitution served as the inspiration for the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises Act of 1969. On December 27, 1969, the President of India gave his approval.

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Riya Kapoor

Riya Kapoor writes about lifestyle, entertainment, news and gadgets. She has been in this industry for almost 4 years now. She is a graduate from Delhi University with English Hons and had deep connection with writing since her childhood.

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